Gotta Go to Bunnings!

Pitch for Bunnings NZ based on the proposition ‘Bunnings has your back so you can give it a red hot go’. The idea centres around whether a Kiwi is starting, in the middle of, or finished one project and onto the next, you’ve Gotta Go to Bunnings.

Role: TVC Scripts
Outcome: Placed in top 4 agencies

Gotta Go to Bunnings!

Pitch for Bunnings NZ based on the proposition ‘Bunnings has your back so you can give it a red hot go’. The idea centres around whether a Kiwi is starting, in the middle of, or finished one project and onto the next, you’ve Gotta Go to Bunnings.

Role: TVC Scripts
Outcome: Placed in top 4 agencies

TVC 1 - “Ain’t no mountain (goat) high enough.

Niko, mid 30s, kitted out with hiking poles, beanie, headlamp - the works - packing DIY supplies into a rucksack outside Bunnings iconic green wall. 

Cut to Niko walking through the bush with bugs swarming him as he swats helplessly.
Cut to Niko climbing up a small cliff where mountain goats sit on the ledges screaming at him.
Cut to Niko jumping from rock to rock across a rapid.
The camera pans to see the mountain goats are following him on the rocks behind.

We cut to Niko working away on the cabin, we see him sanding, lacquering, nailing, you name it.
He puts the final touches on. He sits down on the couch with a cold beer but something is missing. 

Cut to see the full couch. A mountain goat is sitting next to him. He turns to the goat.
Niko: How do you feel about a fireplace?

The goat bleats.
Niko: Guess we Gotta go to Bunnings.

Cut to Bunnings Warehouse logo and

VO: When there’s always more to be done, you’ve Gotta go to Bunnings. Lowest prices, widest range and the best advice mean it really is just the beginning.

Niko is in one of the aisles talking to a Red Shirt.

Red Shirt: Is that it?

Cut to see a mountain goat with a saddle bag full of supplies. It lets out a large scream

TVC 2 - “Motormouth DIY”

We open on a Jonah, a big Maori man with a thick accent. He’s having a bunch of friends
over to his new backyard patio, pizza oven, fire pit, projection cinema, entertainment space. Jonah’s telling one of the guests (Vince) the story of his epic backyard, while holding his
small Jack Russell Terrier.

Talking quickfire, excitedly - Jonah narrates all the scenes, so even when other peoples’ mouths move, we only hear Jonah’s VO throughout his story. 

Jonah and his friends start off in an empty backyard.
Jonah: Well, me and my mates were chillin’ and Jen was like ‘this would be a great spot
for a patio’. So then Oli pipes up ‘if we are gonna do this, we gotta go to Bunnings’.

Cut to them all in the car.
Jonah: Then Nik was like ‘oh damn! We should add a fire pit!’ and everyone was
like ‘damnnnn’. 

Cut to the finished the patio and fire pit, the friends are having drinks.
Jonah: Then Oli was like ‘you know what’d sick? An outdoor cinema setup!’ Then Nik
was like ‘Oh! And a miniature rugby field!’ AND some gargoyles.

Finally, fast cuts of Jonah with a big grin, with the rest of these items.
Jonah: In a nutshell, we added a pizza oven, water feature, topiary and a doghouse
for Poppy. 

End flashback.
Jonah has finished his story, looking proud, Vince is looking like a stunned mullet.

Cut to Bunnings Warehouse logo and
VO: When there’s always more to be done, you’ve Gotta go to Bunnings. Lowest prices, widest range and the best advice means it really is just the beginning.

Cut to a Bunnings Warehouse, where a Red Shirt is standing in a completely empty aisle, looking up and down – confused to where all the stock went.




Mission: Impossible Black Site