AWARD School 2021

12 weeks | 20 lectures | 10 briefs | 2 pieces on the wall


Product: 13Sick

Target Audience: Parents of young children

Proposition: When you can’t get to a doctor but one can get to you


Product: Northern Territory Tourism

Target Audience: Aussie Millennials who yearn for adventure

Proposition: More than just a big rock


Product: LEGO

Target Audience: Parents

Proposition: Where imaginations start

*Part of the 2021 AWARD School WALL*

Mobile (FB/IG)

Product: The ICONIC

Target Audience: Non-binary people of any age

Proposition: Dress for who you are on the inside


Product: Nimble Loans

Target Audience: People with low credit scores

Proposition: The loan for people who seize the day

*Part of the 2021 AWARD School WALL*

Integrated Campaign

Product: AWARD School

Target Audience: Potential students for 2022

Proposition: Discontent can be the start of something great


Cannes Young Lions